Mas Martinet Assessoraments

Mas Martinet Assessoraments


The company was born in 2001 from Mas Martinet Viticultors. The main purpose is advising wine making uses based on studies and investigation of the vines. Among others, experiments and studies carried out are:
- Development of new terraces, that are adapted to orography and climate in Priorat.
- Development of a new control method and distribution of the vine's vigour, favouring wine production, with suitable morphology to obtain quality wines.
Some of these studies are now part of the European project LIFE, and can be found in the Manual de Prácticas Vitícolas in this winery's website.


Prior reservation

Winery information

Boss: Montse Ovejero
Winemakers: Josep Lluís Pérez
Address: Av. Vidal i Barraquer, 8
Town: Porrera
Postcode: 43739
Telephone: +34 629 238 236