En Números Vermells is a project that started in 2008, with a single wineskin that produced the very first vintage they sold. Passion towards wine makes them produce wine in a very traditional way on a small garage in Torroja. The most important thing is taking care of some carefully selected raw materials, where varieties, little farms and "costers" are worked and managed separatelly. This makes special quantities to be bottle at the right moment, always giving priority to mature fruits, and the minerality and depth Llicorella offers. In June 2017, the winery moved to Gratallops, right in the centre of the village, on a new location that allows them to work more confortably.
Prior reservation
Winery information
Boss: Sílvia Puig Esteban
Winemakers: Sílvia Puig Esteban
Address: C/ de les Valls, 6
Town: Gratallops
Postcode: 43737
Telephone: +34 639 280 941
Email: ennumerosvermells@gmail.com